1 Year Contract Position at the Corporation of the Township of Red Rock
Job Description: The specific duties and key responsibilities of the intern will be to:
– update business directory, event directory, Township website, and tourism materials
– assist local community groups and businesses with grant applications.
– update and distribute community profile information, electronic data for site sectors and business investors as well as updating information on local labour market and employers.
– develop a diversification strategy and deliver training programs for staff and Council with regard to economic diversification
– work with municipal staff to update and report on Strategic economic development plans
– support and enhance community events as potential tourism opportunities.
– establish working relationships with the business community and local groups and deliver business retention and expansion strategies
– establish working relationships and partnerships with federal, provincial and regional agencies to assist in economic enhancements.
– must be will to achieve EDAC certification within 2 years (employer expense)
– manage Red Rock Interpretive Centre (seasonal)
– must have own vehicle
Qualifications: University or college graduate who has graduated within the last three years from an accredited college or university. The candidate must be a graduate of a post-secondary degree or diploma program. The position will be a first full-time employment in the candidate’s field of study. Degree or diploma in Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, Public Administration, and Innovation Management would be considered an asset.
Application Deadline Date: 4:00 p.m. Thursday, January 31, 2019
Please mail applications to: Corporation of the Township of Red Rock
42 Salls St.
P.O. Box 447
Red Rock ON POT 2PO
Att: Albert Headrick, CAO cao@shawbiz.ca
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