7 events found.
Week of Events
Youth Fitness Class
Youth Fitness Class
6 sessions with Steph. Open to Grades 6-8 Register at Municipal Office, $60/person
Drop-In Badminton
Drop-In Badminton
Free Drop-in Badminton for all ages, persons under 12 to come with a caregiver. Please bring indoor/clean shoes for the gymnasium.
Lifestyle Classes with Donna: Sourdough Bread
Lifestyle Classes with Donna: Sourdough Bread
Donna spent her time during the Covid lockdown making many video's on her sourdough process and now you can learn in person and bring home your very own sourdough starter! ...
Coaching Association of Canada: FREE Courses
Coaching Association of Canada: FREE Courses
Participants must be at least 14 years of age to register. Participants can sign up for one, two, or all three courses! Courses include: ‘Make Ethical Decisions’, ‘Planning a Practice’, ...